Across The Air

The sky at night:
tinted black velvet,
amid a cross of light,
white, sparkling red and green.

Almost soundless, engines humming
alike some thunder, heard from afar,
a glide, that shifts the law of nature,
the heaviness of gravity away.

Once to be up there, so I do long to,
once to be in that hull, I wish,
that had been borne from men�s desire
and skilful spirit to come true.

To look upon the pall of cloud,
upon the landscape,
provided nature that is
shaped by men.

And then I want to forward there,
go to the cockpit with the three,
doing day's work, behind them
three times a hundred
pairs of eyes.

Some spirit of their spines to mine,
some knowledge, I do want to share:
how does one do the things to do alike -
on a wing.

On A Wing

Klaus G�lker   ©2000   | Home |